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We Take Care Of Your
Healthy Health
Eye Care Specialists
You Can Trust.

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Mimply dummy text of the printing typesetting ipsum
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We Take Care Of Your
Healthy Health
Eye Care Specialists
You Can Trust.

Years Of Experienced
Welcome To Al-sanabel
Vet Drug Store
Baker & Ahmad Jadallah Co. is a registered company at Jordan ministry of trade and manufacture in 12/2003 under the trade name .
AL SANABEL VET DRUGS STORE located at Jordan ,Zarqa, Duleel (Army st.,white cement triangle )since 2003, Duleel is the biggest population for dairy cow breeders and ( 1 ) of the largest population for sheep and goat . It’s a family business owned by 2 veterinarian brothers.
Welcome To Al-sanabel
Vet Drug Store
Baker & Ahmad Jadallah Co. is a registered company at Jordan ministry of trade and manufacture in 12/2003 under the trade name .
AL SANABEL VET DRUGS STORE located at Jordan ,Zarqa, Duleel (Army st.,white cement triangle )since 2003, Duleel is the biggest population for dairy cow breeders and ( 1 ) of the largest population for sheep and goat . It’s a family business owned by 2 veterinarian brothers.
Activities :
Working through two canals:
- Retail sales ,by direct sales to the farmers and customers through our vet. Pharmacies in different sites.
- whole sale to the large agricultural projects, vet drugs store, vet pharmacies and clinics

Our Medical Services
Retail sales ,by direct sales to the farmers and customers
through our vet. Pharmacies in different sites.
- Whole Sale to the Large Agricultural Projects
- Vet Drugs Store
- Vet Pharmacies and Clinics

Regarding whole sale , we have 3 sales men who reached our customers all around Jordan and all of them are veterinarians and agricultural engineers ,they make the required recommendations to the customers ,sell and follow up there requirements.
How it helps you stay Healthy
Our Suppliers
